
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Midway Airport

Click on the link below to find financial data:

Click on the link below to find noise management:

 History of the airport:

Career Opportunities:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ruby Bridges and Paul Laurence Dunbar

The Problem We All Must Live With by Norman Rockwell

With your partner or on your own. Take a look at this painting.

Why did the painter (Norman Rockwell) crop out the heads of the U.S. Marshall’s? 
What is Ruby’s attitude based on her facial expression? 
What’s the tone of the painting? 
What do you see in the painting that is negative? 
What is the “problem” that the title refers to? 

Take notes on your handout. At the end of class, you will be asked to submit responses based on the painting and the poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar.